Thursday, April 16, 2015

Sonnet #2

 I have not forgotten to post the part three of the exciting saga "The girl of the entry "A letter"", but it is still in development (You can't expect that an epic story like this one would be short"). Meanwhile, enjoy a sonnet that I wrote. 

With her sweet eyes she saw how sad I lived, 
With her red-fire hair she attracted my sight, 
With her lovelygirly voicemy desire thrived, 
And to love her makes my existence bright. 

With such tendernessshe used to call me "my boy", 
And I called her "my girl" in my deep sleep. 
Whenever we talked, I felt so much joy 
That I could hear with great force my heart's leaps. 

Now this muse is gone to far away lands, 
But I have her memory well preserved. 
She's here in my darkest moments, and 
She helps me in the nightmares that I've lived. 

Give me your hand, and take my hand as well, 
And while we walkour desires to us tell.

What do you think?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Google's Doodle review: 155th Aniversary of the Pony Express

Before anything else, don't think that I forgot about the second part of the entry "About the girl of the entry "A Letter"". I am still working on it and hopefully I will post it tomorrow part two, so if you want to know what happens, continue visiting my blog, and please share it. That being said, I may continue.
Today, April 14th, 2015, Google has posted a new Doodle. For those who don't know what a doodle is, a Doodle is a drawing made by Google that replaces the original Google's logo in order to commemorate an special date, for example in the US, there is a doodle on the fourth of July, in France there is a Doodle on my birthday La Bastille day, and there was once where it was commemorated the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who (you know who is Doctor Who, don't you?). Today was commemorated the 155th anniversary of the Pony Express. Now let me tell you a little bit of History...
According to Wikipedia (the world oracle), The Pony Express was a mail service, packages and stuff back and forth the East Coast to the West coast that started on 1860 (like a FedEx but in the 1860's). Like the name of the Service suggests, the deliverers used not ponies, but horses selected by the U.S. Army. It closed the Civil War started and the company was sold to Wells Fargo for $1.50 Million.
Well, The Pony Express is brought from the dead to the 2015 by this Doodle.It shows the word "Google" in a western style, then it shows a rider on a horse riding at the sunset, but Google's things are not that simple, because it has a button to play which you click and then it show the Pony Express's historic route from California to Georgia, then the doodle transforms in an interactive game in which your objective is to pick up the letters that are in the road (why would someone put a letter in the middle on the road?) and ride, but in the first level your enemies are cacti, then rocks, then avalanches, and thieves (it's the wild west). It is pretty entertaining and creative. Usually Google's doodles are just 2-D drawings (really cool by the way), but a few times, an interactive doodle is a Doodle for something. This game really brings to life the Pony Express, after more than a 100 years of closing, and I suggest you to play it if you want to have a good time and beat my score: 53/100 (I picked up 53 letters out of a hundred).
Hi-yo, Silver, Away!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Plasture Relief

I was assigned in my art class to make a plasture relief on something, but the figure could not be a geometrical figure such a phone, a computer,  you know flat stuff because that would be being lazy, so you need to do an organic form, and a lot the people used a loophole and every body started to carve trees in the plasture. Me, on the other hand, I value originality over easiness, so I came out with the idea to carve the god Quetzalcoatl with a backgorund with the Popocatepetl and the Iztlaccihuatl (Cool, isn't it?).
So I drew an sketch and it resulted pretty good. Next period I took a cardboard box and took it to the class, so the teacher would put plasture on it and the result would be a flat plasture block, but like always happens with great monuments (such the Golden Gate, the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, or the Panama Canal) there was a problem when the teacher put the plasture on box. Due to the fact that the box that I took was from a puzzle box, and was all crappy, the plasture wetted the box, and it started to leak from the corners, eventually leading to an uneven surface.
I didn't mind a lot about the irregularity of the surface, so I marked the drawing that I made to the plasture. The relief is due for Tuesday April 14th, 2015, and in the same day I have more (way, way, way more) important stuff due on the same day such a quiz in Precal, and a test in Biology AP, and I almost half done. Next entry I will update a photo about it.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Favorite Teacher

When I arrived to the US on 9th grade, one of the many things that I saw different from the Mexican Middle School from where I came from, was that instead the teacher would walk from room to room,the students now walk from teacher to teacher (Which now reflecting, it is a better and more efficient system).  It was incredible how much you can tell from one teacher’s personality based on his or her room or lesson,  for example, Mrs. Hudler has a very colorful personality to my opinion because in her classrooms the three most dominant colors ( blue, green, and white) somehow illuminates the room in some sort of pastel color, and the magic is that no matter if we read a gory story as Macbeth, or the gloomy Beowulf, the colorfulness of her classroom doesn’t go away, and I always imagine that her classroom is some sort of metaphorical carrusel, or -if you understand my idea better with this comparison- the inside of a hippie combie (but instead of smoke, it smells to cinnamon). But dear reader, this page is not about Mrs. Hudler (ha! Got you!); Yes, Mrs. Hudler has been my favorite teacher in my senior year, but when she assigned me this page during the Ragnarok, she said “This page is about your favorite teacher of all your four years of High School”, and since Mrs. Hudler is only my favorite teacher of senior year, she doesn’t fall in this category (but I do feel admiration and appreciation for Mrs. Hudler, in fact I will right now look to the starred night and look for a group of stars that form a woman with a book, and call her the “ Mrs. Hudler’s Constellation”, like Zeus did with Chiron, Perseus and greek heroes’ mentor). I am going to talk about a teacher whose classroom is not as “hippe” as Mrs. Hudler’s, or is not as goofy as Mr. Kohlhase, or was not as popular as Mr. Laney (Radiology teacher who was popular because he was supercool), but rather to a teacher who retired when I started my senior year, but while he worked in Med High he used to put us often 2- hour videos from the eighties, and to be honest, I would sometimes fell asleep in his class, in fact, once I fell asleep for 15 minutes!
Dear Reader, I suppose you wonder “Well Alejandro, If you used to fell asleep in his class, then how could you have the face to write in this space that he was your favorite teacher?” Well, let me explain…

I had Mr. Wertz on both Freshmen and Junior Year. I had him for Biology 3B and Environmental Science 3A (I still remember the class periods). And he wasn’t a pretty much exciting class, like I said before, he used to put us most of the time Two-hour videos from the eighties with primitive visual effects, but somehow the learning sticked to my head, it was like those kinds of hypnotic sessions where you go in and came out without remembering nothing, but in my subconscious I felt that I did learned something, and by next class period and for the exams I remembered everything. So Mr. Wertz made me learn easily, without putting any effort, which is something cool because you can use your resources in another thing.

He didn’t talk too much, and most of the time he looked sad, and when I was in Environmental Science he used to play the paper of “the prophet of the Judgement Day”, but he had a pretty interesting life, for example, he was attended to a college that was near a nuclear plant in Pennsylvania and the plant had a nuclear meltdown (wikipedia “Three Mile Island accident”), then he taught in a South African elementary school during the Apartheid, he almost met Nelson Mandela, and he left that life of excitement in South Africa to come to the valley to teach High School kids. This example tells me that you don’t need to be loud to have an exciting life, but just to be focused.
Finally, during my freshmen year, I think he was one of the few people who believed the most in me. You see dear reader, he would help me with his class, and encouraged me to study, when I was discouraged by the other classes (but this only happened in my freshmen year, all the other years were different).
P.S. Have you noticed that there are not scratched out words in this entry?


Friday, April 10, 2015


One of the things that I find interesting in Norse Mythology is how some myths relate to real life. Of course, not in a literal sense, because if it was literal, then you would hang out with Odin in the Valhalla for real , or party with Frigga in her realm; Thor would actually ride a chariot on the clouds pulled by goats and using Mjolnir ( the hammer) to make lighting, and giants would exist. Some elements about Norse mythology have some (metaphorical) parallelism with real life (like what Indiana Jones says about El Dorado in Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull, in which he realizes that El Dorado mythical city was not made out of gold, but was a center of learning which for the Incas and Amazonian tribes was the most valuable wealth.). One example of the Norse parallelism is the Ragnarok, which is the Norse apocalypse in which the gods are engaged in a final battle.
In mythology, the Valkyries (the warrior goddesses) go down to earth in the battles, and select those who are going to die in battle, half of those killed in battle are taken by the Valkyries to party with Odin in the Valhalla and prepare for the Ragnarok, and the other half are going to Frigga to rest. Then, the last humans that are left in the world, Lif and Lifthrasir,  go to have shelter in the a tree from all the events in the Ragnarok which is followed by the arrival of three winter with no summers between (in other words, a three-year winter). During this long winter, Fenris the wolf escapes his bonds, Loki (god of mischief) escapes his prison, The ice and fire giants rally against the gods, the dishonoured dead spirits from the Underworld turn against Asgard led by Hel, and the World Serpent rises up, then all of go to assault Asgard and when Heimdallr (god guardian of Asgard) sees them coming, he will blow his horn to warn the gods for a last battle.During the battle, Odin is swallowed alive by Fenris (the wolf) who is killed by one of Odin’s sons, Thor kills the world serpent, but shortly dies because of the poisonous bite that the serpent gave to Thor. Heimdall, dies while slaying Loki, and Tyr (god of bravery) dies slaying, Garm, the Hellhound. Then starts raining ice and fire, the earth sinks into the sea and the nine realms in the Yggdrasil crumble, and giant wolves eat the sun and the moon, leaving the earth into darkness. Then the world rises from the sea, Lif and Lifthrasir (they are boy and girl) get out from the three and repopulate the earth, the surviving gods meet in a field (Where once was Asgard) and tell memories, and everybody enjoys the new world that emerges from the sea after the Ragnarok.
Thor and the Midgard SerpentThor against the A̶P̶ ̶e̶x̶a̶m̶s̶ world serpent.

The mythological event of Ragnarok, looks (metaphorically) almost the same like the last nine weeks of senior year, which also happen to be the last grading period of all High School for the class of 2015. Because you see, this is the time of the year when senioritis hits, therefore those who feel confident about their success are going to feel comfy and start to slack off now that they think that they have nothing to lose, then before spring break, three cold fronts came to the valley and there were only around twelve hours (at most) of sun between each cold front, then teachers prepare their most difficult and nasty exams designed especially from keeping students from graduating, for example, my math teacher designed an unresolvable problem that he nicknamed “The beast” (Fenrir), my CNA teacher gave us a long list that we need to get checked off at the clinical’s site before the first week of April if we want to get CNA certification (the ice and fire giants), my biology teacher is giving us quizzes every class (the dishonoured dead spirits led by hel), In art class we are going to have this ugly, nasty final in which we need to draw a self portrait of our self in detail (Loki escapes his prison), and AP exams (the world serpent). Then when we came back from Spring break, whoever is the one whose job is to ring the bell, that one will ring the bell to mark the beginning of the last nine weeks, and with them, the beginning of the end and the warning of our last battle (Heimdall blows his horn). During this period, students will suffer great amounts of stress, and some are going to fail important and decisive exams. According to a teacher in Med High, statistically the average number of seniors who don’t graduate is five, (which is more or less the number of gods that died during the Ragnarok). Then if you don’t graduate, your parents, teacher, and friends are going to make a big deal about it and they are going to remember you like the dumb student that didn't graduated on time, and everything will turn dark against you (ice and fire rain, earth submerges into the sea, Yggdrasil crumbles, and wolves eat the sun and the moon).
But those who prepared well and made it to the graduation will live to see the new beginning, which is college life, life away our parents (for those leaving the valley), and freedom to live for ourselves, starting a new life in which we, the students, will start independent lives and be responsibles for ourselves (world rises from the sea, and Lif and Lifthrasir will come out from the tree). And finally those who made it will attend Class reunions to tell memories from High School (meeting of the surviving gods where once was Asgard). The real life Ragnarok will not be a literal battle, but rather a new beginning that will be good for us and will be a turning point in our lives.
Asgard’s L̶G̶B̶T̶ ̶p̶r̶i̶d̶e̶ ̶p̶a̶r̶a̶d̶e̶ bridge, Bifrost. The rainbow bridge joins together the nine realms of the Yggdrasil.

Die neue Welt nach Ragnarök,The new world that rises after the Ragnarök.