Thursday, April 16, 2015

Sonnet #2

 I have not forgotten to post the part three of the exciting saga "The girl of the entry "A letter"", but it is still in development (You can't expect that an epic story like this one would be short"). Meanwhile, enjoy a sonnet that I wrote. 

With her sweet eyes she saw how sad I lived, 
With her red-fire hair she attracted my sight, 
With her lovelygirly voicemy desire thrived, 
And to love her makes my existence bright. 

With such tendernessshe used to call me "my boy", 
And I called her "my girl" in my deep sleep. 
Whenever we talked, I felt so much joy 
That I could hear with great force my heart's leaps. 

Now this muse is gone to far away lands, 
But I have her memory well preserved. 
She's here in my darkest moments, and 
She helps me in the nightmares that I've lived. 

Give me your hand, and take my hand as well, 
And while we walkour desires to us tell.

What do you think?

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