Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Top 10 Movies

Another List! I so love doing lists because it keeps me entertained and organized, also I feel like an important businessman by doing lists (lists on my college choices, p̶o̶s̶s̶i̶b̶l̶e̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶m̶ ̶d̶a̶t̶e̶s̶, ideas for movies, etc.).  This list is about the movies that I saw during High School, same thing as the last list, Position number one is my most favorite.

10.- Scott Pilgrim vs. The world
Sometimes people are held back by ghosts of their pasts and doesn’t allow them fully enjoy life, well, Scott Pilgrim Vs, The World touches this theme. It is about a guy named Scott Pilgrim that is broken hearted because his girlfriend dumped him because of other guy, so Scott Pilgrim tries to look for consolation by dating a High Schooler, but then he meets Ramona Flowers and falls in love with her, but if Scott Pilgrim wants to date her, then he needs to defeat Ramona’s 7 evil exes (6 ex boyfriends and 1 ex girlfriend). The movie is funny, and also epic, because Scott Pilgrim uses different weapons to defeat the exes, such a battery cymbal, skateboard, his own fists, a cup of half and half coffee, bare hands, sound waves, and a katana (Samurai sword). It has action, love, and comedy, which is something very rare in movies. Also Scott Pilgrim fights Captain America and Superman in the movie, and although he defeats Captain America, he also beats super bad Superman (I would only watch a superman movie if I had a gun in my head.)

9.- Guardians of the Galaxy
A Marvel Cinematic Universe movie. It is about Peter Quill (Chris Pratt, who happens to also be Emmet in The Lego Movie, and also appears in Parks and Recreations), a human from earth that got kidnapped by alien mercenaries, and is trained to be a thief. One day, he steals something that is not supposed to be stolen and an alien dictator wants the object as a weapon, so Peter Quill allies with Gamora, Drax, Groot (a giant talking tree who only says “I am groot” and starred by Vin Diesel, because you know, Vin Diesel acts like a piece of wood), and Rocket raccoon (Who is a racoon) to keep the thingy safe. Because it is in the Cinematic Universe, it is related to The Avengers.
8.- Boyhood
Nominated for best movie in the Oscars of 2015, but won Birdman (Birdman wasn't that good, honestly). The footage took around 12 years, which is admirable because a lot of things can happen in twelve years (such a Black president, Alien Invasion, Mayan apocalypse, Nuclear war, an actor dies, money runs out, etc), therefore the same actors are used for twelve years, it takes place in Texas, and around many Texan cities such Houston, San Marcos and H̶i̶p̶s̶t̶e̶r̶l̶a̶n̶d̶ Austin. It is about the story a teenage guy and its struggle within (And the outside world), it reflected the battle that we, teenagers have during our teenage years and all of those changes.
7.- Wild Tales (Relatos Salvajes)
An Argentinian-Spanish dark comedy film nominated for best film in other language than English in the Oscar 2015. Produced by the famous Spanish director Pedro de Almodovar (who is one of the most recognized filmmakers in Spanish speaking cinema). It is a compilation of different episodes with a different story between them, but the theme in common is anger and what people can do when they lose their heads. There is a story of  someone who is angry at the world so he packed everybody who has hurted him in a plane and crashes the plane, there is other one about a cook who poisons a dude who hurted her co worker, there is an story about road rage that goes wrong, there another one about an engineer who blows buildings loses everything he has (his job, his family) because of a parking ticket, and the stupid bureaucracy of the government, so he puts a bomb in his car which blows up in the impound yard when is taken by the police for not parking correctly, etc. Despite of the fact that most of the characters die, it makes you laugh with the dark comedy.

6.- Thor: The Dark World
Usually sequels are crappier than the first movie (like in Transformers, Narnia, etc.), of course there is an exception to the rule, and Thor: The Dark World is an example. Like Thor, it inside the Marvel’s Cinematic Universe, and the events in Thor 2 are related with The Avengers, even in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. are mentioned such events. This movie is about a threat of the dark elf that threatens to destroy Asgard with a gem (it’s not only a gem, it is an infinity gem, like the Tesseract, and the weapon in Guardians of the Galaxy), So thor has to stop him with the help of Loki. In the movie, it is played a lot the concept of portals, which are used to travel thru the Nine Realms of the Yggdrasil (The Norse tree that holds Asgard, Jotunheim, Midgard (Aks. Earth), Helheim, Vanaheim, Muspelheim, etc.)Like most Norse-related stuff, it was epic.

5.- Beowulf
Filmed in 2007 (so is not that new). By the same director who brought you Back to the Future. It is about the poem Beowulf, but like most movies based on literature, some things are inaccurate. Anthony Hopkins who was the god Odin in Thor and in Thor: The Dark World, is the king of the Danes, Hrothgar. It is epic, I enjoyed it and despite it is inaccurate and I really wanted to see how Beowulf grabbed the sword forged by giants in Grendel’s den used to kill Grendel’s mother and cut off Grendel’s head (like in the poem), I liked how they related the dragon of the end of the poem and Grendel’s mom, which turned out to be Angelina Jolie.

4.- Accepted
One of the most hilarious teen comedies that I have seen. It takes place in Ohio, and it is about these high school seniors who were not accepted in any college, so they decide to found a hoax university to avoid the shaming of their parents and relatives of not being accepted to college, so they found the South Harmon Institute of Technology. It does not only makes you laugh and gives you a good time, but also touches themes about honesty, education, and about those so-called “honorable men” who bully those who consider inferior to them (Fraternity Hazing).
Like the University of Arizona, but in a fictional universe...

3.- The Perfect Score
One of the most hilarious teen comedies. It was filmed in 2004, so it’s not that new. It is starred by Captain America and Black Widow (watch the movie and look up the cast in Wikipedia) as high schoolers. It is about a bunch of High school teens that boomed their SAT’s and then realize that they are doomed to not going to their dream colleges or not going to college at all, so they all plan to break into the College Board’s headquarters to steal the next SAT’s answers. Captain America in this movie makes his debut as The Sentinel of Liberty by fighting for the American people against an evil organization seeking world domination (not HYDRA, but the College Board). The movie criticizes what I have always criticized: the College Board is a Monopoly who doesn't care about education, but cares about the private interests of companies and University Presidents (you don’t believe me?, look up why The College Board put a writing section, and why they are going to take it away).
“Don’t you find it ridiculous that from day one they tell us to be unique, they tell us to be individuals, then they give us a standardized test that makes us all one faceless herd?”- C̶a̶p̶t̶a̶i̶n̶ ̶A̶m̶e̶r̶i̶c̶a̶ Chris Evans in The Perfect Score.

2.- Les Miserables
Nominated for Best movie in the Oscars 2013, but the Academy gave the award to Argo (Argo wasn’t that good to win this award, Les miserables was better).  Based on the play Les Miserables, which is based on the book Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. It is the story about Jean Valjean, a convict who is granted parole in France 1915, Jean Valjean breaks his parole and years later is now the Mayor of a town in France, but Inspector Javert learn that the mayor is Jean Valjean and goes after him. Jean Valjean adopts Cossette, and takes her with him. Then the revolution of 1936 strikes in Paris and the rebels make barracks in the streets of Paris. It is like an opera in Movie because all the dialogues are sung.

1.- Captain America: The First Avenger
Epic of epicness. I have made several references to Cap in this scrapbook, do I need to explain why is position number 1?

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