Friday, March 27, 2015

Cultural Event

As a cultural event, I went to the IMAS (International Museum of Art and Sciences) at Mcallen. This museum is affiliated with the Smithsionan insititute and there are exhibitions (As the name says) about art and sciences. When I went to the museum, the first thing I saw were a lot of rocks, crystals and quartzes from the valley, but the most impressive thing of all is that in that exhibition they had two meteorites that were found in Russia and brought to the US as a gift. On other exhibition, there was a documentary about the solar system being projected in a screen that had a spherical shape, it was pretty cool because on the screen there would project images of the planets and it gave an impression that it was an actual plane. Then there was a piece of petrified wood that was more than 1000 years old, this type of wood is said to fossil and was buried in the ground for many millions of years, due to this process the wood’s density increases and some woods can weigh as much as a ton.

Lastly there was an exhibition of inedit portraits of people made by Picasso, this was an exclusive collection of the IMAS and although they don’t look exactly as a portrait, Picasso’s objective was not to be paint accurately the paintings but to reflect how the people looked to him (Picasso) and to paint a satire of this impression.

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