Friday, March 27, 2015


I am not quite sure on how to write this entry, so I assume that I have to choose five things of what I am grateful during this time of my life, and thank to God (I guess)because of them (because in my family, we don’t really celebrate thanksgiving).

1.- Everyone has parents, so I am not grateful of having JUST parents, but I am grateful to have parents who worry and care for me.
2.-I am grateful to God, that my parents finally understood that my passion is to study History in college and not nursing.
3.-I am grateful to have internet connection, because without it, I could not communicate with my brother who is in Austin, or do my homework.
4.-I am grateful to have electricity in my house, because it is the most essential thing besides water and fossil fuels.
5.-Finally, I am grateful of having this project (no kidding), because it has allowed me to relieve the stress from my  math class, CNA, Economics, and the other classes.
BONUS.- I am grateful that I have finished my pilot episode “Social Studies”, and I hope to result as funny as I would like it to be.
2nd BONUS.- I am grateful of the scrapbook freebies,  because I can tell there what I can’t in other spaces.

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