Friday, March 27, 2015


Note: I wrote this entry around September 2014, that's why the News Event is not as new.
In the international context, Scotland tried to independize from the United Kingdom after more of 300 years of annexation. Scotland wanted to independize because according to the scottish prime minister, Scotland could be one of the richest countries in the world because of its oil reserves in the North Sea, which have 30-40 years to continue to produce before the oil ran out in the reserve; It is estimated that the oil creates a revenue to the UK of 57 billion British Pounds and the economy of Scotland represents the 8% of the total GDP of the UK. Before the election day (September 19), many stockholders that had stocks in Scottish corporations sold all their stocks fearing a crash in the market. At the end, Scotland remained being part of the UK because the people felt that Scotland was not ready yet for independence (which in my opinion, it would be better for Scotland if they separate). Now political analysts predict that the same thing is going to happen in Spain with Catalonia.

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