Friday, March 27, 2015

Why Captain America is awesome...

Captain America is a superhero who dresses with bars and stars and carries a shield that is decorated the same way, and also my favourite superhero. Capatain America’’s started as a young man from brooklyn named Steve Rogers who was an idealist and wants to fight for liberty and the American Way during WWII, therefore Rogers wants to join to the army but is always rejected because he is too physically weak until one day, he is ofered to take part on a project to create a super-soldier, where he gets his powers.
20140502220744!Captain_America_Shield.pngBecause of Roger’s story and for what he stands for in the comics, Captain America is my favourite superhero. First, besides the fact that Captain America wears the american flag, Captain America is not a patriotic xenophibic like many conservatives that call themselves as “patriotic”. This is because Captain America was a superhero made to fight the nazis during WWII and it would be incoungrent that someone that fights fascism is a xenophobic. Another reason why Captain America is awesome is that he is a realistic superhero, y knows that Superman is an alien, Batman a magnate that builds his own weapons` and Wonder Woman a greek Amazon, but these characters does not represent a realistic origin, a real magnate would not spends his millions in only building weapons instead investing in his own corporation, or when would someone find a greek amazon in real life; Captain America, on the other hand, starts a a weak normal person who would get picked on and bullied but then he meets strenght and uses that strenght to defend the weak people against the strong bully, becoming “the sentinel of liberty”.

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