Friday, March 27, 2015

The Rant List

There are things in this world (and until there is not proof of life in other planets, in all the universe) that I love, there also things that I don’t care about, things that I hate, and things that make me rant about. To describe the things that I rant about, I have created “The Rant List”. All the stuff listed under The Rant List, is stuff that not only I hate the most above all the things existing, existed, or coming soon; but also things that make rant for minutes and sometimes, hours when mentioned or referenced. Fortunately, while I am writing this list, I am in a really good mood, and when I am in really good mood, nothing can make me mad (unless is something so disturbing). Position #1 is the thing that I hate (and rant) the most.

1.-The minions: These ugly things which people describe as adorable, for me they are the most awful thing on cinema’s history because they speak weird, there is not a consensus about their physiognomy (some have one eye, others two. Seriously, Can’t the movie staff agree on how many eyes they have?), and they steal the protagonism of Gru. When people go to see “Despicable Me” they don’t go to see Gru, his adoptive daughters or the plot, they go to see the minions like if the movie was about them. Another thing that I hate about them, is that people is so obsessed with them that make them so annoying because in school, I see minions, on facebook I see minions, in the news I see minions, and everywhere I see minions.
2.- The word “Veggies”.- This word make look vegetables like if they were dumb. Vegetables are not dumb, actually, some are not even considered as living things.
3.-When I found out that The Minions were having its own movie.-Seriously, Universal Studios?
4.-When they make two movies about a single book.- The movie staff had enough time and space to put the whole book in one movie, I would understand if they were going to put The Bible on a movie, or a very thick comic book, but there is no need to divide Harry Potter’s 7th book in two parts, or the last book of The Hunger Games in two, or The hobbit in three. This leave the movie uncomplete, but the worst of all, they don’t do it for love to art, they do it for greed.
5.-_-_*-WHeN PeOpLE WrItE LiK3 TH1s 0n F4C3bo0K*_-_-.-They need special education classes.
6.-When I hear “Narco-corridos” on the radio.- “Narco-Corridos” are Spanish ballads that talk about drug dealers and shootings. Being out there many beautiful spanish songs, they had to choose these to broadcast.
7.-When people wear Minion costumes on Halloween.- Among all the characters that they could choose, they had to choose the minions.
8.-When UTPA changed their mascot from “Broncs” to “Vaqueros”.- From an epic mascot, UTPA choose a mascot which is not as epic. I would accept it if instead of “Vaqueros” they were “Cowboys” because the “Vaqueros” make the university so local and people from outside will not go to UTPA.
9.- When people correct me when I say “UTPA” by saying “UTRGV”.- UTPA was cool, UTRGV is not.
10.-Racism.- The US has fought racists in 1860’s, 1940’s, 1950’s to 1970’s, passed laws that has made the minorities more equal, but still conservatives are insisting to undo these achievements.
11.- When people use God to do the wrong.- Conservatives use the name of a god that stands for love to do hateful and wrong stuff, such racism, homophobia, and attack the poor.
12.-Justin Bieber.- So many things that I would like to say, but its R-rated content will make Ms. Hudler to call my parents.
13.-The bad jokes at the back of the cafeteria’s milk.- A good joke is always appreciated, but the jokes on the cafeteria’s milk box are so bad that they don’t make me laugh, but I get mad instead for using such mediocres  and cliches jokes.
File:School milk vending
14.- Bullies.- I think the word describes it pretty good.
15.- Lady Gaga’s song “Alejandro”.- It was fun years ago,
but now when people sing it to me, it is annoying.
16.- Enrique Peña Nieto.- The current president of Mexico is
besides stupid, the most evil president in Mexico’s history. He
has made several reforms to eliminate the middle class and
tried to restrict freedom of speech in social networks. I hope
Quetzalcoatl gets back soon for the sake of Mexico.
17.- When people who type in Spanish omit accents and
the letter Ñ.- There is a difference between Año (year)
and Ano(anus).  There are very easy codes to not omit
these important characters such Alt+164= ñ.
18.-Creationism.- There is not scientific proof of creationism,
but still, conservatives still believe that earth is flat, has 6,000 years old, and the only elements in nature are air, earth, water, and fire.
19.-Bus wifi.- It blocks sites that I need to get my homework done.
20.-The purple minion.- It wasn’t enough with more than a billion yellow minions that Universal had to create the purple one, more ugly than the yellow ones.
21.-When I want to be alone, annoying people come to me.- Is there a need to explain?
22.-When a specific dude (whose name I am not going to mention) stand to my side in art class and stares at my work.- It gets me so nervous, and stressful.
23.-Moira Queen from the show “Arrow”.- She is a mother who tried to destroy her own city, kidnapped her own son, and let the villain to sabotage the boat in which her husband was. You have to see the show to understand me.
24.-When people collect a lot of trash, paint it, put it together in some weird form and then say that is “recycled art”.- It is not art, and neither recycling. Art is something original with a beautiful concept, recycling is to return material to a previous stage in a cyclic process. The concept in this “art” is not even clear, and the “artist” is just putting junk together.
25.- Modern art.- How artists went from the Renaissance to just some
random circles on the canvas?
26.- When people buy this “art”.- Seriously?
27.-Windows 8.- This new windows change to another screen when I swipe
the finger from right to left. It is annoying.
28.- My Ipod’s battery.- It doesn’t last much.
29.- My house’s clock.- It is still on summer schedule.
30.- When people don’t know in which time zone they live in.- When
someone who thinks that London has the same time as Mcallen, and I say
“we live in the GMT-6”, and they don’t know what I am talking about.
31.-The Valley’s weather.- super hot in summer, rain evaporates fast, and vapor gets annoying. On winter is all cloudy and ugly.
32.-Art class.- Only kids who draw anime all day, and hipsters can have a 100 in projects on that class. I am not a hipster, and I don’t draw anime, so I get B’s in every project.
33.- When Argentinians get racist.- I know Argentinians who are very agreeable and nice, unfortunately, there are Argentinians who think that they are “the superior race” of the Americas, and insult Mexicans, Chileans, Brazilians, Colombians, Americans, and everyone who is not white. For this reason, many latin americans don’t like Argentinians.
34.-When people think that “5 de Mayo” is Mexican Independence.- It is the date of an epic battle against the French in Mexico, the independence is on September 16th.
35.- When people say “Dia de los Muertos”.- Although the correct translation in English of this day is “Day of the death”, the original name in Spanish is “Dia de muertos”. “Dia de los Muertos” sounds awkward in Spanish, and that’s why Mexican say “Dia de Muertos”.
36.-When people make historical mistakes.- They have been through elementary, middle, high school, and college, and still don’t know the names of some of The Founding Fathers?!
37.-SAT.- This test is designed to fail students. Also it is created by the biggest Monopoly in Education Industry: The College Board.
38.-The College Board.- They make  money from the SATs, APs,  CLEPs, study guides, etc. Isn't this a monopoly?
File:New SAT Logo.gif
39.-When people say “Eating bunnies is gross”.- You have no idea of what is gross, and
yes, rabbits are eatable.
40.- When people actually think that tacos are those things that sell in Taco Bell.-
Real tacos are those that are sold in street, which you can bend the tortilla
however you want. Taco Bell is a combination of taco with some sort of plastic that
they call “tortilla”.
41.-When my dog bites my pants and pulls them.- Annoying.
42.- Freshmen that cut the line in the cafeteria.- The line was created to maintain an order, besides, what is their hurry? Are they too excited to eat the same thing all the week?
43.-School Enchiladas.- Enchiladas are supposed to be spicy.
44.-When children think that Santa is real.- The children are fooled, the parents stressed to get the toys the kids want, and the only one winning is “Toys R Us”.
45.-Crying babies.- it gets me so stressed out.
46.-Cliche love stories.- Anything that looks like Romeo and Juliet. People can be more creative than that, Can’t they?
47.-Open ending stories.- The reader (or viewer) has spent a lot of its precious time to watch (or read) the story, and at the end, the author don’t have the decency to end the story? That is a waste of time!
48.-When people think that the Viola is a Violin.- There is a difference clear between a Viola and a Violin. The Viola is duller and bigger than the Violin.
49.-When people who think that they sing good, sing in the talent show.- That is why auditions are for, to show the good stuff.
50.-Magicians who think that they are good.- Do they have a trick to realize that they are bad?
51.-When the computer displays the temperature in Fahrenheit.- The computer knows that I want the temperature in Celsius, and it stills disobeys me.
52.-Old Disney’s fairy tales.- They are way too different from the real tales. They fool girls by telling them about some blue prince. Fortunately, Disney is remaking their movies and making them more realistic and feminist (I celebrate that).
53.- When people smell artificial flowers.- What are they smelling?
54.- When people put in water artificial flowers, so they don’t die.- Again, Why?
Artificial flower
55.- Oil Spills.- My family gets angry when I spill the juice, milk or water over the table, because I ruin their food. So the Oil spills ruin the ocean.
56.-The school bell.- Is so disturbing and stressing.
57.- When the school make a drill at lunch or at 4:00 pm.- Why do you
do it? Do you want us to choke or something?
58.-When in school teach me something that I already knew.- It’s like
watching the same episode on TV.
59.- When people is scared to death of 666.- It is just a number.
60.- Superman movies.- The same story, over, and over, and over, and over
again. The only thing that change is the similitude between Superman and
Jesus. Each movie that is made, Superman is more convinced that he is
61.-When religion meets politics.- I believe in the separation of church and the state.
62.-When school makes Grand Rounds.- Why do they do it? Kids will be still be failing no matter what.
63.-The Activities on Grand Rounds.- I can be doing my project or something but school has decided to waste my time in answering questions which answer they are never going to read.
64.-When people think that Med High is the worst school of all STISD.- That is not true. Med High has a great library, great traditions and is a good school, besides everybody knows that that title is for BETA.
65.-Mosquitoes.- Annoying.
66.-When Freshmen whine about how hard are their classes.- They have not idea of what is hard. Besides they don’t know what is hard, until they meet Ms.Odoms.
67.-When Juniors whine about Warden’s Cornell notes.- I could do Cornell notes of four chapters on one night, once I did the cornell notes of four chapters in one bus ride.
68.-When Hipsters are Hipsters not because they adopt Hipster ideology, but for looks.- This is a the worst Hipster. They think that dressing all eccentric are going to look cool. But Hipsterism is not about looks, but about being different from everyone else.
69.-Gossip.- Whenever someone around gossips, I put deaf ears because I don’t care about other’s disgraces. Besides, What is their proof?.
70.- When men gossip.- No comments.
71.-Bureaucracy.- Paperwork to make authorities even more unreachable.
72.-When people think that Mexico is a huge desert.- Mexico is a
country with deserts, forests, jungles, and highland tundras.
73.-When people get drunk with one beer.- Beer is one of the alcoholic
beverages with the lowest alcohol percentage.
74.- “God’s not dead”.- A christian movie that could be better. It portrays
Muslims in a very negative way, Creationism, and Duck dynasty.
75.-Spotify for Windows Phone.- Only available with Premium
76.-Root beer.- The ugliest eatable thing since the American Coca-Cola.
77.-When people say that Beowulf sucks.- Beowulf is so epic. I so love Beowulf.
78.-When people say “It’s time for you to get a watch” when I ask them about the hour.- It is mean and annoying. Makes me to want to send them to... somewhere special.
79.-When people steal someone else’s credit.- This is worst that stealing someone’s money.
80.-STAAR retakes.- Schedule delays, the classes that I least like are prolonged, and Grand Rounds.
81.-When librarians bug you about that time’s up.-It is mean and annoying.
82.- When my mother tells me that I should not go very far for college.- I love to travel. When I travel I feel like Columbus (without the genocide), or a Viking discovering the continents.
83.-New History Channel’s programming.- They left all the historical research and switched to supernatural and UFOs.
84.-When people sniff around my belongings.- Did you missed something?
85.-When people cheat on games.- Dishonorable
86.-When in a game you have to pay with real currency to buy fake currency.- This is in order to maintain your imaginary town of imaginary people.
87.-When my Ipod crashes when I play The Sims.- It didn’t happen.
88.-When my Ipod gets slower when I play minecraft.- It didn’t happen.
89.- When now most of the apps of the app store are for iOS 7.- No comments.
90.-Cockroaches.- Now, this is the definition of gross, not eating rabbits.
91.-High School is not like college.- You have to be in school all times, ask permission to go to the restroom, etc.
92.- Bad Ads.-The best products are those which sell without Ads, but it is always appreciated when a creative ad appears on TV. But there are some ads which must be undone.
93.-When the film crew of the movie “Der Untergang” (Downfall) tried to stop Hitler’s rant’s videos on youtube.- They are pretty funny and creative.
94.-When priests abuse kids.- No comments.
95.-The writer’s block.- I am writing this super epic paper and then I am in blank, and then I rant. Fortunately, this rant gives me ideas on how to continue.
96.-Pop Quizzes.-No time to study.
97.-When I can’t use my student discount on the bus fare.- I need to be frugal.
98.-When people sue everyone for everything.- They are just looking for someone to blame.
99.-That Hidalgo city does not open to the public its historical buildings.- I am sure they are pretty interesting inside, but I don’t know because they are locked.
100.-When the school give my stop bus a crappy bus.- Sometimes have wifi, sometimes not... Only God knows.
101.-When people in bus make a lot of noise.-Why they can’t bahave like civilized people?
102.-When Spotify puts 3 ads between songs.- I thought it was Spotify, not open TV.
103.-When TAMUK send me emails.- they are just to tell me what to do, and I know what I have to do.
104.- Bad alien movies.- Bad effects, an insult for the audience.
105.-Gross terror movies.-So bloody that the audience ends vomiting of gross (an example is The Human Centipede)
106.-Indie action movies.- Bad budget and many plot bunnies.
107.-When someone says that he or she knows the apocalypse date.- Humanity is mature enough to know that it’s time to stop making false alarms.
108.- When people start singing happy birthday in scool.- I feel obligated to sing, I don’t have the best voice of all.
109.- When the librarians yell in a sing-song voice “Log off, save your work please”, accenting the syllables “off”, “work”. and “please”.- kind of annoying
110.-While in sci tech kids can express more freely in Java night, In Med High we have to ban things from some number of the talent show.- Why they can’t just let it be? I mean, we all are grown up, aren’t we?
111.-When amateur rappers appear in the talent show.- I don’t know how to rap, but I know that what they are doing is not rapping, but babbling.
112.-When people assume that you have a facebook, AND you are always in there.- I am not always on Facebook, but people still assume that I am in there from six of the morning to midnight.
113.- When people tell me that Les Miserables suck.- Les Miserables was the best hollywood movie of that year, it was an excellent singing and direction.
114.- When people tell me “German is not a romantic language”.- Really?, So who are Nietzche, Grimm Brothers, and Franz Kafka? I think someone needs to stop watching soap operas.
115.-Soap Operas.- see item #46.
116.- Library Passes.- I have to take care of a piece of paper during my stay in the library, besides, it is all bureaucracy.
117.-When doctors are mean.- Where did you get your degree? Online university?
118.- Spider-man is still not in the Avenger’s movies.- I really want to see Spider-man.
119.-When a book I want is in hold on the library.- I really want that book.
120.-When people treat twilight as the best book ever.- They don’t appreciate Beowulf, but Twilight? Something is wrong.
121.- When Ms. Robledo ask me for a pass to go to morning rounds to work with her.- Bureaucracy.
122.-When people know how to curse in Spanish, but don’t know how to speak Spanish.- mean.
123.- When people judge the Japanese are morally wrong because of harakiri, and some mangas.- You don’t like their culture, but you like their awesome electronics? It’s a different culture, It doesn’t make it worse or better than our, but different.
124.- When people tell me “you are going to be poor with a(n) <insert liberal arts degree here> major”.- Well, maybe I want to be poor.
125.- When people ask to the math teacher “When are we going to use this?”.- When the teacher gives you a paper with questions and answers, and its worth approx %20 of your grade.
126.- When people tell me “Too much bacon is bad for you” when I am eating bacon.- Go back to your salads
127.- When people put citrics in daily products.- Acids and milk is a bad combination because the citrics will make the daily product bitter and ugly.
128.- When dog bark at me.- no comments.
129.- When people ask me “Why are you so quiet?”.- How am I supposed to know?
130.- When I travel in Greyhound, and the only seat available are those in the back.- People is so crowded over there.-
131.-When there is a lot of people in the movies and nobody is quiet.- Are you going to watch a movie, or have a picnic?
132.- When Texas State tell me that I need to send a proof of my fee waiver.- They have trust issues, besides, I already sent it.
133.- When people sneeze many times in a row.- They are faking. No one has enough sneezing stimulus to do that.
134.- When creationists use the word “Theory”.- They don’t even know the meaning of that word.
135.-When I am doing a presentation, and people seem to not pay attention or getting bored.- I am already mortified enough with the idea of standing in front of everyone giving this presentation, and then the audience is not paying attention? How dare ?!
136.-When I think that something is very simple, but actually is very complex.-  No comments.
137.- When people think that the man never went to the moon.- There very simple reasons why the man did, and why their arguments are debunked.
138.-Creppypastas.- They are dumb and gross.
139.-When people think that Slenderman is real.- Slenderman is not real, the so-called german woodcuts from 17th century are altered. There is no historical evidence for this.
140.- The song “Happy”.- It was fun at the beginning, until it was linked with the minions, and people started to get obsessed with it, and started to get annoying.
141.- When my cats don’t want to play with me.- They sleep all day.
142.- When school clocks are wrong or stopped.- They are misleading, and then I think it’s lunch or 4:05, but it turns out that is is not.
143.- When I don’t bring pencils to art class.-  have to draw, but then I can’t.
144.-When in CNA  class I can’t make the mitters.-It gets me so frustrated that I put all my effort to make the bed, and at the end, the mitters are not well-done.
145.-When half-day kids whine about the tasks that we have to do in CNA class.- What were they expecting to be CNA? A picnic?
146.- When I get stuck in a game.- no comments.
147.- When all the mobs in MINECRAFT suddenly appear near you and want to kill you.- I don’t even see them coming.
148.-When children curse.-When did adults started to be more innocent than children.
149.-When I forget a homework that I did in my house.- I have to make it again.
150.-When people tell me that pizza buffets suck.- What are they thinking about? Pizza buffets are the best thing ever.
160.- When I get full in a buffet, and I realize that I have just tasted a little part of the buffet.- No comments.
161.-When I am required to dress formal for a presentation.- What is the reason for this, anyway?
162.-When people use smileys that don’t make anysense.- A  happy face means happy, A sad face means sad, but what does a pork means?
163.- When in debating, the opponent uses the same argument a lot of times.- Are you not supposed to research your topic?
164.- When half day kids get on my bus.- They get on, and they start to put loud music, and to curse.
165.- When the bus wifi is broken, or I forget my iPod.- Unfortunately, I can’t use spotify, so I have to hear all the cursing in my bus.
And keeps growing...

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